The sky is no longer the limit!

Drones for STEAM education!

The future jobs of today's youth don't exist yet. Droneversity's youth Drone Programs uses the fun of drones to generate interest in and early exposure to STEAM studies and careers. K-12 students gain STEAM skills needed for future success.

Check out our new book Drones, Drones, Everywhere!

Our academic Partnerships with schools and youth organizations throughout the Greater Philadelphia area are expanding to a global reach. We have an intentional focus on families and under-served populations. The result is safe, responsible innovators

We can customize our flying robotics curriculum to include:
Coding  Engineering  3D printing  Mathematics Flight Safety
Media Capture & Design    Drone Racing   Drone Soccer
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Heard of Drone Soccer?

For more info click here!


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Drone Cadets App

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